welcome to winter in tylertown, MI. cold, humid, flat and pretty. best friends animal society, with the help of st. francis animal shelter who let us use their space, set up a rescue center for hurricane victim animals retrieved from new orleans and surrounding areas. long hours, crazy weather, less-than-cushy living conditions -- a great time! the work and the people made it fun and rewarding.

tylertown is about 2 hours drive from new orleans.

at the compound with pal and BF employee carey at the clinic yurt at the rescue center. gotta love those yurts. this one housed hospitalized animals and medical supplies.

medical supplies in the yurt

dogs generally lived in the outside yards unless or recovering from surgery, cats lived in one of 2 cat houses. here are some post-surgical patients in the clinic.

young puppies hanging out under a heat lamp in the mash unit. these guys had to be hand fed because their mom was sick and couldn't take care of them.

doing endless fecal exams in the lab -- they called me the princess of poo. lots of hookworm and whipworm, which i hardly ever see in the northwest.

the cat house, meow.

treating feral cats with vaccines and antibiotics. many had upper respiratory infections, and all were cranky. we had to net them inside the cage.

yay, field surgery! we did some spays and neuters in the extra yurt when we had more than one vet. otherwise, surgeries were done in the Neuter Commuter van.

dr. deb and sean in the Neuter Commuter

my friend jenn from atlanta who came to volunteer with me! we're at "the store", a bunch of supplies under a tarp where you take what you need and leave what you have extras of.

"the heights", one of the dog housing areas.

it's jenn scooping poo in the heights! such glamorous work.

it's grilled cheese day in the lunch tent.

shower, anyone? most of the volunteers camped out on the grounds, or slept in their cars. a few brought their own RVs, some stayed in local hotels down the highway. employees stayed in shared trailers on grounds.

winter in the south = rain and mud

a little downtime around the campfire after a long day.

hi, i'm cute

hi, i'm your pal! want to see more pictures?