my bug bites have finally stopped itching. as usual, there are many more pictures at my kodak gallery. here's an overview of the first annual holbox spay/neuter clinic. the group was organized by kim morgan from the feral cat spay neuter project and included 5 vets and 4 techs from washington, oregon, ohio, and one vet from merida, near cancun. we also had non-veterinary v'teers (including thad!), so if anyone is interested in helping out next year, you don't have to be a vet or tech.
isla holbox is at the tip of the yucatan peninsula, northwest of cancun. because of its relatively remote location and small size, it's a great place for a relaxed, non-pretentious vacation (no big resorts, no chain restaurants, no cars). also because it's kind of a pain in the butt to get to, it currently remains a great place for a relaxed, non-pretentious vacation. travel to holbox includes a flight to cancun, then a drive north to the town of chiquila (2 hours by car, 4 hours by bus), then a 30 minute boat ride to the island.

with marilyn on the boat from chiquila
we arrived at night and took a taxi/golf cart to our cabinas at los mapaches. since the island is longer (25 km) than it is wide (1 km across), a ride from the dock to our place was about 3 minutes long. needless to say, subsequent trips to the dock were made on foot. los mapaches was a great choice: close to el centro, close to the beach, and relatively cheap at about $40/night for a kitchenette. they gave us a discount because we were there volunteering -- i think their regular prices were more.

our cabina, the "blue" house
day one was spent sleeping in, eating breakfast, and proceeding to get a brutal sunburn. who knew that noon was the worst time to go swimming? we should have gotten a clue from the complete absence of any other people outside and from the relentless, amazingly hot hot sun. on holbox, everything shuts down from noon until 4 or 5 when the weather is decent, then stays open till 9 or 10.

the beach in front of los mapaches. so ugly.

thad and guy (pronounced "ghee") from quebeq return from some mediocre snorkeling

conga, a resident german shep, goes fishing from the jetty

this sign went up in el centro the night before the 1st clinic (thanks anna for the pic!)
Day 2 started off early in the morning in a local house donated to us for surgery. some folks checked animals and did exams on the porch,

while the rest of us set up inside and did surgeries. we had three tables with three vets working at once in the living room, so it was a little snug, but we managed just fine. at least we had an enclosed space and running water. luxury!

thad, marilyn and dr.tony from nearby merida wait for our first client

and here they come!

local kids volunteered to help us move animals and wash instruments. They rocked!
Day 3 took us back to the mainland via ferry, then further inland to the town of solferino.

transporting the heaviest surgery table ever across to the mainland

chillin with dr tony. i got some bad lens
solution so i was wearing my glasses the entire
time down there. talk about sweaty!
in solferino we had a larger space (the schoolhouse), but no water and things were decidedly less clean. we got some tables from the local bar and wahoo! surgeryfest continues.

marilyn needed a booster log to reach our ghetto surgery table.

what is thad doing to that dog . . . ?

apparently we're entertaining the locals who watch from outside
Day 4 in kantunilkin, a larger town further inland. this was the best location despite the ugly tagged building -- we had shade, running water and 2 rooms for prep and surgery. wahoo!

the other side of the house is all tagged up

guys, this is my rockin' cart to which you can return me after you take my balls.

with my favorite tech caitlin

'ritas, anyone? nothing hits the spot after a long
day of blood and guts like frozen booze!

baby raccoon (mapache) found by
local kids. aaawwww.
we had the next day off, so went river kayaking with caitlin, anna, and new friends melissa and paul. no crocodiles but plenty of pretty scenery and feeesh.

who's that gringo saboroso in the camo hat?